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App Logo Snapshot Workfront into MS-Access

You just want your data out of WorkFront. You need a way to grab your WorkFront data so you can have a copy of it inside your organization.
This App pulls data from your WorkFront instance, and stores it in a relational format inside a Microsoft Access (MDB) file. The MDB includes your Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks, Issues, Iterations, Users, Groups, Roles, Teams, Hours, Hour Types, Timesheets, Billing Records, Exchange Rates, Billing Rates, as well as Custom Forms. You can even schedule this snapshot Monthly or Weekly in My Account.

Run On Demand: $999
Bundle of 12 Runs: $4,999 (58% discount - contact us for details)
Bundle of 52 Runs: $9,999 (81% discount - contact us for details)
$999.00/App Run
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